
Friday, July 30, 2010

Ding Dong - Avon Calling

If you get the newsletter you already know that Julie is now a Avon Representative. I wanted to post the link to her website, where if your not able to order from her locally you'll be able to online and have it count for her. If you need Avon or just want to help start her into her new side-career the website is If you have any questions about her Avon, there is the ability to contact her on the website so she'll know its Avon related. Thank you all in advance for your support into her new adventure.

Don't forget to check back soon for a new blog update and if your not a member of the newsletter get signed up if you don't want to miss the latest news and get some exclusive updates and photos.

Also if you are a newsletter member remember to adjust your spam filters and allow or check your spam folder for your newsletter if you haven't received it. If your having troubles receiving please let me know so I can work on fixing it with you.

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