
Monday, August 30, 2010

Ultrasound it is

It's been much anticipated and the day is finally here. Today was Julie's second doctor's appointment for the baby. Visit started off pretty routine, Julie got a little routine physical and final verdict is mother-to-be is doing just fine. The second part of the visit was the first ultrasound, it was very easy to see the baby on the ultrasound and we got to hear the heartbeat. The baby is about 4cm in size and based on everything, the due date is locked in at March 21, 2010 as originally planned. Putting the baby at 11 weeks along, with another ultrasound will take place at week 20 (Where the sex will actually be determined). Julie's next appointment is at the end of September, nothing fancy happening at that appointment just a routine check-up. Now the part that everyone i'm sure is anxious for and that is the actual pictures from the ultrasound. I know they are not as great quality as seeing the original image, but atleast this way everyone can share in seeing them. Also if your not already a subscriber to the newsletter, you may want to look into it, cause in this newsletter is an exclusive look at the fourth picture. Remember if you are a subscriber, make sure its not getting sent to your spam folder.

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