
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Julie's Birthday

Here ye here ye today by royal proclamation of ... well, I guess myself.
Today, July 18th is my wife and mom to be, Julie's birthday.

Last night we just happened to be up at Midnight, from me getting off work late and Julie returning from a friends party, so, I gave her the gifts I bought her. She received a new alarm clock (to replace hers that seemed would never die and had the most annoying alarm tone, but after it did start to falter it felt like a good time for an upgrade), a 1-inch hair straightner (she mentioned a few weeks ago that she wanted a thinner one than she had), and the book What to Expect When Your Expecting (without which this blog would not exist because I wouldn't of learned about the website). We stayed up for a bit debating middle names for Michael/Michelle and after my being excited about 'Chibibi' she abruptly said goodnight and well that was pretty much the end of that idea. She slept-in this morning and took a nice nap recently, while I tried to push my way through this book I'm reading called 'Wizard's First Rule' which seems for every page I read another magically appears at the end and never feels like I make any progress.

Tonight we will be going out to celebrate her birthday at a restaurant I discovered on called Fiorella's at the Westin Imagine Orlando hotel on Universal Blvd. down near I-Drive. It got decent reviews and with Julie you can never go wrong with Italian. If you want to see where we are dining its here at . I'll definitly be either editing this blog later tonight with a review or adding it into tomorrows doctor appointment entry.

For a review of our dining at Fiorella's tonight you can find a brief summary at my other non baby blog site

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