
Sunday, July 18, 2010

We take our first steps down the unknown path

For today starts an epic adventure, one with twists and turns around everycorner. An adventure that will take many months and years, which will truly lead to become The Great Gardieff Adventure.

Tomorrow we take our first steps into the unknown. Julie and I will be attending the first doctor's visit to confirm the pregnancy and do all the initial tedious and tiresome paperwork involved with all things medical. We are both nervous and excited. Excited about our new roles as parents and guides to our unborn and also nervous to hear how things are progressing. Although the metaphorical cat has been let out of the bag to a privilidged select few, pending good news tomorrow morning and a greenlight from the doc, word will spread like wildfire of the news of the next Gardieff heir to be born into the kingdom of Clermont. Although we take these first few steps into the unknown cautiously, we are not blind, for we have many friends and family to guide us along the path.

So...Ok, maybe your not fully up to speed on what's happening here. My name is Alex and my wife Julie discovered the other day by the good 'ol home pregnancy test that we are expecting. To answer many, yes it was planned, but we couldn't of thought it be this quick and fast to happen. Naturally we aired on the side of caution tried a couple more tests all positive, so, yep real deal. Next thing you know we got a doctors appointment set, and absorbing ourselves into online reference materials. Besides the tests not much can be seen, Julie has taken to frequent extended naps out of tiredness. So far she has had no signs of morning sickness or many of the other common symptoms. Right now based on the phone call with the doctor the estimated due date is March, 21 2011. But, tomorrow based on the how far along she actually is we will probably get a better idea of the actual date range. It's been decided that Julie would like to name our boy/girl after her father who passed away a few years ago, Michael or Michelle will be entering into the world. Which is good cause either of those names is easily found on Disney World personalized merchandise which is a big factor, got to have a name to buy souvenirs for. Incase you didn't know we both come from huge theme park following backgrounds, so before you know it he/she will be singing "its a small world" before anything else.

Well, that is a generalized summary of what has taken place these last couple days, I'll update this blog tomorrow when we know more.

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