
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Doctor Visit Update

Sorry for the lateness of getting this posted on here, been a crazy week. This past Thursday the 24th Julie had yet another doctors appointment. Now they are getting a little more into "examining" her, she has not started dialating, well she wasn't then, who know now. The decision has been made that the birth will be induced on March 14th, so most likely we are thinking he'll be here on the 15th. Baby weighed in at 6lbs 9oz.. Today (Yesterday at the the time writing this), we got the pack'n'play delivered, and after getting home from work set it up in our bedroom and I'll be posting pictures of it shortly online along with pictures of several others of gifts we've received. Take care everyone and I'll be posting pictures like I said in the next day or so and hopefully be writing out here on a more daily basis. If anyone would like to leave a comment to this article I'd love to see comments on what you think his actual weight will be.

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